Sunday, December 26, 2010

Preparing For Pinewood Derby 2011 - Beaverton, Oregon

Cub Scout Pack 595 of Raleigh Hills Portland Oregon, Pinewood Derby race will be January 7, 2011. Thought you would enjoy day one of Ethan shaping his Pinewood Derby with a wood file. Next he will be drilling holes and adding lead weight to get the car to the correct weight.

Christmas Day 2010 Razor Electric Scooter - Beaverton, Oregon

On Christmas day, Marcie and Ethan enjoyed their afternoon riding Marcie's new electric scooter around the empty parking lot near our home.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cub Scout Pack 595 Participates in Veterans Day Parade -Portland, Oregon

On Thursday November 11, 2010, Ethan and the boy's from Cub Scout Pack 595 in Raleigh Hills, Portland participated in the 2010 Veterans Day Parade in Portland, Oregon. The parade route took the boys along Sandy Blvd in the Hollywood District of Portland, Oregon. The boys had a great time and look forward to attending next year.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Busy Weekend In Beaverton, Oregon

The weekend of October 9th 2010 was a busy one for our family. Each of
the kids had a soccer game on Saturday. During halftime of Marcie's
game, Bertha spent time showing off her soccer skills. On Sunday Jeff
took the kids to Spirits Halloween store in Beaverton, Oregon to
purchase costumes. While there Jeff purchased his own mask. On Sunday
afternoon Ethan and Jeff played catch with a baseball for 20 minutes
in between rain showers, then came into the house to play cribbage.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

West Hills Run Record to 4 Wins and 0 Losses This Season

On Saturday October 2, 2010, Marcie's West Hills Orange Peels soccer club defeated the Aloha team by a score of  6 - 2. This game started out quickly with Marcie playing keeper and running out toward the striker to cut the angle down and grab the ball. Only to have the opponent steam roll over Marcie as she secured the ball. Two kids on the ground, however ball was in Marcie's possession.

Marcie has a good streak going right now as keeper where she has not given up any goals in the four halves she has played keeper during the first four games.

I have attached a few pictures of the game, Marcie playing forward with the headband and having just passed the ball to Beth #8. A group picture with the coach after the game and a picture of Marcie leaving after the game. Click on each picture to enlarge for a better view.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

West Hills Soccer Win In Portland, Oregon

Tonight in Portland, Oregon, Marcie's West Hills Soccer Club defeated
Somerset West by a score of 2-1. Marcie played keeper for the first
half and gave up zero goals. In the second half she played midfielder
and scored the winning goal. Here is a picture of happy dad and Marcie
moments after the game ended under the lights. Marcie's West Hills
team has 3 wins and zero losses this season.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Playing Ping Pong In Beaverton, Oregon

It is Sunday night here in Beaverton, Oregon, I suppose we need to buy a full size ping pong table. Bertha and Marcie have converted our dinner table into a half sized ping pong table. If anything it will help improve accuracy of your serve and we sit on the couch to eat dinner for the next few days.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Ice Cream At Baskin Robbins Beaverton Oregon

Right now we are at Baskin Robbins getting the kids ice cream. Marcie
has bubble gum and chocolate mint ice cream. Ethan has wild and
reckless with rock and pop swirl ice cream.

Sent from Jeff's mobile phone.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

New Playground In Beaverton Oregon

Marcie and Ethan are so excited. The church across the street relocated the new playground practically in front of our home. On a sunny Saturday morning a crew of 25 guys and gals started assembling the new equipment. On rainy Sunday they had most of the jungle gym in place. Looks like they need to spread the bark chips and are done.

Jeff and Bertha

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Playing Guitar Hero To The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

We stopped by Best Buy today to do some shopping and before we knew it, Marcie and Ethan were entertaining everyone with their rendition of the Beatles song Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Marcie Got Her Ears Pierced at Claire's Today

Today was the day we took Marcie to Claire's to get her ears pierced. She had been waiting for the end of soccer season to get her ears pierced. For her first pair of earrings she selected her birthstone which is ruby red. Here is a video of her ears being pierced by Luda at Claire's

Friday, January 01, 2010

Snowman Has Melted Video

Snowman Has Melted

The day following our sudden snow, Marcie and Ethan built a snowman in
the backyard. It has been three days so I decided to take a look up
close and can report the snowman has melted.

Here pictures of before and after.

Sent from Jeff's mobile phone.