Sunday, September 14, 2008

Marcie In Goal For The First Time On Saturday September 13, 2008

On Saturday, Marcie's West Hills Orange Peels soccer team played against a team from the city of Aloha, Oregon. Marcie's team lost by a score of 6 to 1.

There was good news, Marcie was asked to play keeper (goalie) only 5 minutes before the game started. This was the first time she has ever played keeper and she did a fantastic job. She played the first half of the game and the Aloha team only scored two goals against her. See above video to watch Marcie's performance in goal.

Jeff and Bertha

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ethans First Soccer Game Beaverton, Oregon

Yesterday afternoon Ethan had his first soccer game of his career. He plays on the West Hills Youth Soccer Club for children age 5. The West Hills club is part of the Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation Department. His game was held at Garden Home Recreation Center, which was built in 1912.

Go ahead and watch the above video, Ethan is in the white jersey with black socks.

Jeff and Bertha

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Our Children Sell Lemonade in Beaverton, Oregon

Earlier today our children, Marcie, Ethan and best friend Marina decided to earn spending money by setting up and running a lemonade stand in Beaverton, Oregon. The kids named the business " Lemonade Stand Inc." and located the business on the corner of the street next to our home. 

The kids took full advantage of it being Sunday and St. Cecilia's Church being across the street from our home. The kids served about 30 cups of lemonade, mostly to members of the church. Watch the above video and watch the kids in action.

Jeff and Bertha

Friday, September 05, 2008

Marcie Playing The Recorder

Earlier this summer Marcie entertained the family by learning a number of songs on her Recorder. Click the above video to listen to her mini concert.

Jeff and Bertha