On Saturday October 2, 2010, Marcie's West Hills Orange Peels soccer club defeated the Aloha team by a score of 6 - 2. This game started out quickly with Marcie playing keeper and running out toward the striker to cut the angle down and grab the ball. Only to have the opponent steam roll over Marcie as she secured the ball. Two kids on the ground, however ball was in Marcie's possession.
Marcie has a good streak going right now as keeper where she has not given up any goals in the four halves she has played keeper during the first four games.
I have attached a few pictures of the game, Marcie playing forward with the headband and having just passed the ball to Beth #8. A group picture with the coach after the game and a picture of Marcie leaving after the game. Click on each picture to enlarge for a better view.