Sunday, August 27, 2006

Trip to Bonneville Lock and Dam

On Saturday we drove to Bonneville Lock and Dam which is located about 40 miles east of our home. The dam is the largest provider of electricity via hydropower in the Pacific Northwest. Click the above picture to see other photos of the tour.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Day Trip to Banks Vernonia State Park

Trip to Banks Vernonia State Park
Aug 20, 2006 - 20 Photos

On August 20th we took a day trip to the Banks Vernonia State Park near Buxton, Oregon. While there we played in Mendenhall Creek. Click above pictures to see our visit to the park.

Click the above picture to see a video of the kids playing in Mendenhall Creek.

Annual Vose Community Picnic

On August 19th our local Vose Neighborhood held its annual community picnic at Wonderland Park in Beaverton. The annual event included a bicycle parade, free food and games for the children. The local Tualatin Valley Fire Department arrived on time to give free tours of the inside of the fire engine. Click on the above picture of Bertha to see all 29 pictures.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ethan Callahan Flying His Box Kite

Tuesday evening in Beaverton, Oregon. Our son Ethan spending some quality time flying his kite at the park across the street from our home. Click on the above arrow to play the video.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Tualatin Crawfish Festival

Tualatin Crawfish Festival
Aug 12, 2006 - 42 Photos

Today we went to Tualatin, Oregon to attend the 2006 Tualatin Crawfish Festival. Everyone had a good time, the kids enjoyed playing on the inflatable rides. Bertha and I shared a dozen crawfish. Yummy....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Added Links To Online Malaysian Journals

This morning I added links to popular Malaysian sites that Bertha Callahan moderates. See right hand margin on this page for link to those online journals.

Day Trip to Horsetail Falls

Trip to Horsetail Falls
Aug 5, 2006 - 20 Photos
Today we went to Horsetail Falls which is east of Portland, Oregon. Horsetail Falls is a series of waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge. Horsetail Falls is near more the famous Multnomah Falls which we've been to on earlier visits. The kids enjoyed the walk of about .5 mile ( half mile) up to the falls. Here are pictures we took along the way.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday Night Flicks By The Fountain

Flicks by the Fountain
Aug 4, 2006 - 21 Photos
On Friday evening we joined other residents of Beaverton for an outdoor movie at Library Park. The evening movie was Wallace and Gromit in Curse of the Were- Rabbit. The movie screen was an inflatable screen which measured 30 ft by 50 ft.